Two volunteers meetings were organized in which 36 members participated. These volunteers were from different places of Mysore and also from various MSW colleges. They were given orientation onCHILDLINE. They were also involved in some of the awareness programs. They have assured their support to the project. In fact they are referring back to us many cases and are actively getting involved in the activities.

‘ORGANIZATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF PEOPLE’ (ODP), is the Diocesan Social Service Society (DSSS) of Mysore intended for an integrated human development of the socially and economically disadvantaged, the underprivileged and the marginalized sections of Society. Inspired by Christian values of love, sharing, caring, universal brotherhood, concern for the needy, Equality, Justice and Peace, the Diocese of Mysore established and registered the Organization (ODP) on 4th January 1984.
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Saturday, 29 October 2011
CHILDLINE CAB Meetings-2011 – ODP Mysore
The 1st CHILDLINE Advisory Board (CAB) meeting was organized on 24th March 2011. 28 members from various Government departments, schools and NGOs,participated in the meeting. They were briefed about the works done in Mysore under the CHILDLINE project. They gave a number of suggestions to make the program outreach more, like – announcing about the program on radio publishing in newspapers, putting up stickers on the local buses, etc. As the DC
could not attend the meeting the decisions were not finalized.
could not attend the meeting the decisions were not finalized.
The 2nd CAB meeting was held on 29th Oct, 2011 at the office of Women and Child Development Department. 50 members participated in the meeting. The following issues were put forward in the meeting for consideration by the DC:
- Formation of ‘Child Labor Raiding Team’.
- Letter to labor department to conduct regular raids.
- Letter to the GM of BSNL to help resolve phone connectivity problems.
- Letter to KSRTC Divisional Controller for permission to conduct awareness in the bus stands with a stall in stalled; and to exhibit the CHILDLINE number and symbol on the local buses.
- Letter to DDPI for permission to create awareness in all schools of Mysore District about CHILDLINE
- Letter to all the Police stations and the Labour Inspectors to accompany the CHILDLINE team members during the rescue process of child laborers.
- Letter to Railway manager for permission to create awareness in railway stations.
- Signing the ID cards for CHILDLINE staff members.
Monday, 10 October 2011
Golden Jubilee of Caritas India
On 10th October, ODP organized a program in St Joseph’s community hall on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee of Caritas India. Most Rev Thomas Vazhapilly, Bishop of Mysore inaugurated the program.
Mrs Pusphalatha Chikkana, Mayor of Mysore, was the chief guest. Mr Jimmy Mathew, Regional Manager, Caritas India and Msgr. MarieJoseph, Vicar General of Mysore and many Priests were present.ODP presented a very impressive report on various activities carried out in the Mysore Diocese with the support from Caritas India.
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Awareness on Swarnajayanthi Grama Swarojgar Yojane at Shaniwarasanthe
Members of the Madikeri Federation organized a rally with 500 members at Shaniwarasanthe village to create awareness on Swarnajayanthi Grama Swarojgar Yojane which is a Government welfare program for the development of village communities. Mr. Appachu Ranjan, the local MLA was also present. As an out-come of this program, a tailoring training unit was started at Matnalli village and 50 women members are benefiting from this training.
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