Monthly Support Group Meetings were organized regularly for PLHIVs at SNEHALAYA, Mandya. Each of these meetings was attended by 40 to 50 members. During the meetings discussions were held on ART adherence, CD4 Test, TB, health,nutrition, networking, formation of SHGs and various schemes and programs of the Government and NGOs. Network staff also participated in some of these meetings.

‘ORGANIZATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF PEOPLE’ (ODP), is the Diocesan Social Service Society (DSSS) of Mysore intended for an integrated human development of the socially and economically disadvantaged, the underprivileged and the marginalized sections of Society. Inspired by Christian values of love, sharing, caring, universal brotherhood, concern for the needy, Equality, Justice and Peace, the Diocese of Mysore established and registered the Organization (ODP) on 4th January 1984.
Monday, 28 November 2011
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Karnataka Seva Rajya Prashasthi award to Mrs. Joyce Menezes
Mrs. Joyce Menezes, the ZC of Kodagu Taluk received the Karnataka Seva Rajya Prashasthi - a special award in recognition of her services in the social field. This award was given by ‘Bhuddi Jivigala Balaga’, Mysore, on 27th Nov, on the occasion of their 26th annual celebration.
Saturday, 26 November 2011
NRM – Case Study – Bio Gas Plant in Jellipalya 2011 | ODP Mysore
Perianayagamma, a member of Sathya SHG, is from the remote village called Jellipalya in Kollegala Taluk of Chamarajanagar District. The family consists of 5 members – husband, wife, 2 children and a dependant motherin-law. Her husband, Savariappan, aged 35, is crippled in both legs and uses a wheel chair. They are a landless family living below poverty line. The children are being educated in the local Government primary school.
The family used fire wood for cooking purpose. Perianayagamma being a member of the SHG was given orientation towards utility of bio-gas plant and was interested in installing one for her family. ODP provided her with a loan of `20,000/ and technical guidance to construct a 3 cum bio-gas plant. Mr. Ali, and Mr. Siddalinga Swamy, the ZP officials inspected the plant and were happy to recommend it for Government subsidy.
Now Perianayagamma saves up to 40 KGs of firewood each month, that is 480 KGs annually, a huge savings for the family and this is also their contribution towards protection of the environment. The family is very happy with their venture.
SUGRAMA Meetings – THP | ODP- Mysore | 2011
During the year 13 SUGRAMA meetings were conducted in 11 Taluks to discuss and plan for collective actions for various issues like – anti arrack issue, poor quality of food under PDS, 50% reservation for women in Panchyath raj system, honorarium and sitting fees of GP members, regular monthly meetings with effective agenda, strengthening of the standing committee in GPS, etc.
654 EWRs from different GPs joined Susthira Gram Panchayath Mahila Okkuta the “SUGRAMA” Federation of Elected Women Representatives of GPs.
Medical Help towards Gandhashri, a 4 year old girl At Somwarpet town
At Somwarpet town, Gandhashri, a 4 year old girl, fell down from a running bus and was severely injured. She was admitted to a hospital in Mangalore city. The members of 24 SHGs in Somwarpet area collected 32,400/ and donated it to the family for the girl’s medical treatment.
Friday, 25 November 2011
Thursday, 17 November 2011
NRM – Case Study – Kokkubare as a model village for energy efficiency 2011 | ODP Mysore
Kokkubare is a small hamlet consisting of 55 families, on the hills of Male Mahadeswara in Kollegal Talukand is being developed as a model village for energy efficiency. The people in this hamlet responded positively to the ARE concepts and welcomed the idea of saving the environment through Alternate Renewable Energy. 23 families have installed home lights, 2 families have availed solar lanterns and 20 families have constructed chulhas.
This hamlet, where electricity has not reached till now and where not a single electric light had burnt before – is now illuminated through solar energy under ARE concept.
This hamlet, where electricity has not reached till now and where not a single electric light had burnt before – is now illuminated through solar energy under ARE concept.
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
NRM – Case Study – Abburkatte watershed project 2011 | ODP Mysore
Farmer: Mr. C.M. Chengappa
Survey number: 13/26
Land holdings: 2 Acres
Family members: 5
Survey number: 13/26
Land holdings: 2 Acres
Family members: 5
C.M. Chengappa, a small farmer from Abburkatte watershed area of Somwarpet Taluk in Kodagu District, owns 2 acres of land which is located in the upper part of the village. Due to this reason, soil erosion was very high during the rainy season from runoff rain water, which drastically reduced soil fertility and yield. He was harvesting a meager 150 KGs of coffee for a whole year and the income was too little to maintain the family of 5 members: husband, wife and 3 children.
At that point of time when his situation was grim, NABARD watershed staff selected this area for a Community Based Program (CBP). The staff conducted an awareness session to the villagers and gave inputs on methods of water and soil conservation. Realizing the great advantages, Chengappa decided to join the watershed project and adopt these methods to improve his agricultural yields, especially coffee production.
The NABARD watershed staff supported him with earth work and plantation. This helped reduce the soil erosion from runoff rain water. He did Staggered Contoured Trenching (SCT) work, a method that curbs the speed of runoff rain water, which in turn checked soil erosion and improved percentage of moisture, keeping it to a sufficient level in summer time also.
During the year, Chengaappa harvested 300 KGs of coffee from his land and doubled his income. Chenagappa and his family are happy that their fortunes have changed after adopting watershed methods of farm cultivation.
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Donation towards the construction of a community hall at Nagavalli
68 SHG groups have donated 44,200/ towards the construction of a community hall at Nagavalli in
Chamarajanagar district for the capacity building of local SHG members
Chamarajanagar district for the capacity building of local SHG members
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